Microtemplate features

Speedy & lightweight

No CSS or JS frameworks used. Embed asset loading on demand gives amazing speed scores!

Open Source

The template is fully open source. Comes with no warranty what so ever but any request for support is welcome.


Template works on mobiles, tablets and desktops. It's fully touch friendly.


Possible to get around using the keyboard only.


Fully prepared for social media and SEO.

GDPR Friendly

It does not send cookies or collect user data by default but asks confirmation once it is actually needed.

Automatic menus

Main menu is automatically created of section containers, or first level sup-pages, depending on setup. Language menu shows automatically once the translations are published.

Minimal design sub pages

Subpages are lightbox-like. It gives far greater possibilities for content editing compared to an actual lightbox. It works better on mobile devices and makes content sharing easier. Besides it's super nice and clutter-free to read.

Content examples

For more content examples go back to the page.