Ready-to-go Template

about Microtemplate


is an open source & free to use TYPO3 website template and starter package.
You can install it yourself or have it as service with full maintenance and support.


Text, galleries, videos, news, events, persons, file downloads, and forms are all prestyled and ready to go. There's containers for slides, accordions, and tabs.


Endless options to extend on TYPO3 architecture. It could be an easy solution for a simple website or a good starter kit for getting creative.

Did you notice there is no GDPR-cookie-spookie popup?
As long as you'r server is compatible it should be safe to go without.
Confirm with your legal department!

There's an optional dark mode design – just activate it on on your device.

YouTube & Vimeo

Youtubevideo & Vimeovideo extensions integrates videos in a GDPR friendly way – no intrucive popups on page load but just consent after clicking 'play'. Set custom cover images, titles, and descriptions, and create a fully paginated galleries.

On 'Play' external media is loaded and the privacy policy of YouTube applies

On 'Play' external media is loaded and the privacy policy of Vimeo applies


Gallerycontent extension is a breeze to create content with. Make it look good with the selection of predefined crop ratios and have a full control over titles and descriptions. Pagination and touch friendly lightbox are included.

News & Events

Pagelist extension introduces four new page types: articles, events, products, and vacancies. So creating different types of articles is as easy and dynamic as creating a page.


Addresses extension is for creating address lists and showing individual address records. It can be connected with pages and personnel extension records bidirectionally.

Organisation One

Street name 12A
New Ratfield, 98432
Catomnia, Animalia

Additional information field

Tsai Ing-wen
7th President of Taiwan

Barack Obama
44th President of the U.S.


Personnell extension is a tool for creating contacts with vCard download. Besides it connects to Pagelist to use personnel records as authors, contact persons etc. And not only that but connects bidirectionally to Addresses records as well.

Tsai Ing-wen

Tsai Ing-wen

7th President of Taiwan vCard

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

44th President of the U.S. vCard

Lennart Meri

Lennart Meri

2nd President of Estonia vCard

Get Microtemplate

Website as a Service

Fully maintained package with everything prebuilt. Full LTS maintenance in a yearly package and no cost on the template development.


Do it Yourself

Use ‘composer req t3brightside/microtemplate’ or check out the t3brightside/microstart for demo content.


Send a message

Drop us a message if you'd like custom setup or a hosted package of the Microtemplate. Bugs, feature requests and such, it all happens in GitHub.

by: Brightside OÜ
TYPO3 development & hosting agency

Data privacy | Imprint
Made in Penghu & Saaremaa & Asunción 2018 - 2025